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    We will endeavour to call you back within 24 hours…

    Customer type: HomeownerLandlordAgent

    We keep information submitted confidential and never pass it to a third party.

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    Instagram: gaselecgroup

      Order Form:

      Which services do you require?

      If you have selected Smoke or Carbon Monoxide Detectors above, please state how many are required in the comments section below

      Customer Type:

      Have you used our services before? *

      If you are an existing customer, please provide us with a customer, site or job ID (If known)

      Customer Details

      Site Details

      Contact For Access

      Contact 1

      Contact 2

      Date inspection required by - if we cannot meet your required timescales we will contact you to let you know

      Payment Terms & Conditions

      Please see below Payment Information and Terms & Conditions - please read carefully and tick to confirm you have read and agree to the terms laid out

      Payment is via credit or debit card. A pre-authorisation is required - prior to the inspection being carried out - but payment will not be deducted until the inspeciton / service has been carried out.

      Gas Sasfety Inspections

      The price quoted includes up to 3 gas appliances - when attending the engineer will inspect all present appliances, further appliances over the 3 included will be charged at £10 + VAT


      The price quoted includes up to 10 electrical circuits - further circuits will be charged at £20 + VAT

      PAT Testing

      The price includes up to 10 electrical appliances, additional appliances will be charged at £4+ VAT. The engineer will test all portable appliances present within the property and invoice accordingly, unless we are advised in advance, or during the inspection, which appliances are to be tested (i.e. those owned and provided by the landlord).